Jason Sabin is a true rarity: a total geek with impressive social skills. Unlike most nerds he actually has real friends not W.O.W. friends. But beyond just his uncommon charisma, Jason is a nerd anomaly in other ways. He doesn't scream "I'm melting! I'm melting!" when placed in direct sunlight, loves extreme sports such as snowboarding and mountain biking, wears deodorant, and dresses more fashionably than 99% of straight men. However, don't let his stylish, non-stinky, exterior deceive you, Jason is a geek down to the very deepest core of his soul. He is constantly thinking about computers, networks, servers, and software vulnerabilities. He can remember minute details about code but can't recall his own mother's birthday. (Sorry Mom!)
Jason's unusual combination of socialness and geekiness make him a perfect pick to lead the coding monkeys at Lebwinks and, to be honest, the deodorant doesn't hurt either.
You can check out more about Jason on his wife's website: thesabins.com.
Favorite acronym: ROFLMAO
Jeremy Rowley is a self-proclaimed genius. In order to backup this claim he has pursued more degrees than most sane men - and definitely more than any smart man. Although his latest scholastic pursuit was law school, in his heart-of-hearts Jeremy is a flaming nerd. This makes him an ideal man to serve as legal counsel for a geeky endeavor such as Lebwinks.
Jeremy spends his free-time playing, collecting, and ogling board games. He hopes one day to fulfill his lifetime ambition of obtaining all the top 100 games listed on boardgamegeek.com.
Favorite board game: Boggle
Jeremy Sabin is proof that geeky tendencies are somehow inherited. One nerd in a family could just be attributed to a fluke but two...now that's a freaky genetic mutation. Jeremy is Jason's younger bigger brother and he is a geek in his own right. He doesn't look the part, being a brawny 6'3" giant with a shaved head and a massive beard, but if he opens his mouth you are sure to hear more about feature testing, new software, and testing automation than you care to.
When not tinkering with a computer Jeremy likes riding his Harley, watching football, brewing his own beer, and grooming his disgusting facial hair.
Favorite Linux command: man mount
Andrew Nelson, the youngest member of Lebwinks' management, began his nerdery at an early age. As a child he felt compelled to play many hours of computer games. Later, as an adolescent, he realized there was no money to be made in playing games yet computers still beckoned to him. So, to assure that he and his computer would never be parted, he became a programmer.
Today computers continue to be his main source of entertainment. His hobbies include: coding, talking about coding, planning meetings to talk about coding, and dreaming about coding. He also enjoys buying new laptops on a regular basis, he likes the younger models, and collecting anime dolls.
Favorite PC game character: Prince Dastan (Prince of Persia)*Since Andrew suffers from chronic indecisiveness he has yet to choose his official company title.
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